Special Discussion on World Science Day for Peace and Development

Guest Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation and Engr. Farid Bakhtiyar, Senior Research Officer, Pakistan Council for Science & Technology. Listen Here

First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) Launched in Pakistan (Read More.......)

Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST); an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology mandated to advice the government on science, technology and innovation policy issues, has launched the First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) in the country.

National Commission for Science & Technology

Decision of 3nd Meeting of NCST



Agenda Item: Constitutional Amendment Regarding the Status and Role of Science and Technology

In order to lift the standards of education and accelerate the pace of S&T development in the country it was proposed that political will of the government may be translated with a firm commitment by incorporating suitable amendments in the constitution. NCST, therefore, decided that the proposal be submitted to the National Reconstruction Bureau (NRB) for consideration of various aspects and incorporating this amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan.


Agenda Item: Corrections in Allocation of S&T in the Ten Year Perspective Development Plan 2001-2011

For accelerated and sustainable development of science and technology year-wise allocations for S&T development should always be increasing. Whereas in the Ten Year Perspective Plan (2001-2011) there was a gradual decrease in allocation for S&T after first three years. In order to achieve desired objectives of sustained economic development through science and technology NCST decided that the allocations for the outer 7 years (2004/5 – 2011/12) of the Perspective Plan (2001-2011) would be revised by the Planning Commission in consultation with Ministry of Science and Technology.


Agenda Item: Technology Venture Capital Companies (TVCC)

It was decided that the Technology Venture Capital Companies should be established as early as possible. The Ministry of Finance should play a leading role. The Securities Exchange Commission, SMEDA and Chambers of Commerce & Industries would be consulted and involved in establishment of TVCCs.


Agenda Item: Acquisition of Oceanographic Vessel for Multidisciplinary Research for Extension of Continental Shelf from 200 - 350 Nautical Miles and Exploration of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Pakistan

It was decided that a Committee comprising all concerned agencies should urgently consider different options for acquiring a Research Vessel. The Committee would recommend whether to lease or purchase a new vessel.


Agenda Item: Pakistan Satellite (PAKSAT)

Orbital Slot allocated to Pakistan by ITU would lapse in 2003 if Pakistan does not have satellite in place. Without it Pakistan would be forever deprived of this orbital slot. The meeting agreed on the importance and necessity of PAKSAT. It was therefore decided that the Minister for Science and Technology should pursue the PAKSAT project as per the decision of the Cabinet. It was decided that appropriate funding required should be explored in consultation with Finance and Planning Divisions.


Agenda Item: Government Telecommuncation Backbone Optical Fibre Infrastructure

The NTC network suffered from disadvantage i,e security of information and reliability of critical traffic over a privatized PTCL network. The underground optical fibre project would ensure high speed and invulnerability to eavesdropping (as opposed to Satellite and Radio Communication). The project was agreed in principle and recommended by the NCST.


Agenda Item: Undersea Optical Fibre Second Route to Connect to International Cables

The current high-speed undersea optical fibre is vulnerable to cuts and international communications from and to Pakistan could go dark for several weeks. The only access would then be via the back-up Intelsat Satellite System. The second fibre optic would linkup to two main international cables. NCST agreed in principle to the project proposal. It was decided that all possible funding sources must be explored urgently for this important project.


Agenda Item: Government Internet and Communications (Local and Wide Area Networks)

The objective of the project to enable NTC to make (i) Government secure, (ii) increase efficiency of Government operations, and (iii) ensure the delivery of information and services to citizens in all locations in the Provinces up to the last point of delivery. The project comprised introduction of networking in all Provinces and the Federal Government. Launching of the project was agreed in principle by the NCST.


Agenda Item: Satellite Hub for Strategic, Rapid Deployable Civilian Government Voice and Data Communication

There is immediate need to have a comprehensive Satellite (VSAT-DAMA/TDMA) based communications for civilian voice (Rural and un-served areas). Government needs for voice and data and strategic requirements. The project was recommended in principle by the NCST.


Agenda Item: Frequency Spectrum Management

Radio frequency is a national asset and should be managed in an organized, efficient and effective manner so that private sector could be facilitated in establishing new systems / networks to promote IT and TC policies of the government. In this connection the proposal was agreed by the NCST. It was decided that PTA would prepare the detailed proposal in accordance with international regulations and norms for use of the radio frequency spectrum..


Agenda Item: E-Government Programme for Pakistan

E-Government is much more than computerization and is about changing the way government works / operates in order to bring about efficiency, transparency and improved services for citizens. In this connection it was proposed that NCST should:

i) Activate support to IT&TC Division for implementation of e-Government programme,

ii) Advise all the Ministries / Divisions / Government agencies to extend full support in implementation of e-Government programme.

iii) Make provision of a small percentage (approx 2%) of funds in all development projects for compliance with an IT protocol.

The NCST agreed with the proposal and supported all initiatives under the E-Government Programme.


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Science, Technology, Innovation,STI Voice, Volume 3, 2017 is now available for our readers. Click this link for further details and to download Newsletter.

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